School of Love 2021

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Registration for the 2022 School of Love opens on Monday, January 24th at 9am Pacific. The Master Classes are January 17th, 19th, and 21st, 2022. Stay tuned!


Love Is the Power You’ve Been Yearning

School of Love is Mother’s gift from Her heart to yours. She has designed this course to be like an all-inclusive, life-changing retreat without travel, while being in the comfort of your own home. Plus you get to sleep in your own bed! The best of all things. When you become a part of School of Love, it’s not a matter of whether or not you’ll experience a transformation, but more a matter of to what degree.

This is not a course about hard work and musts or have-tos. It’s a celebration of love and giving yourself permission to feel freer than you’ve felt before. The effort you make here is for you. You don’t need to prove anything, achieve anything, or earn anything from anyone. Step into Mother’s course because you feel the power and grace She is offering you. Let yourself jump into this with a big YES! or a whispered yes – whichever way your Still Small Voice speaks to you.

It’s time to let go of the burden and drudgery of trying to make yourself into something or someone else. You aren’t broken, so in this course, you won’t be fixing yourself; you’ll be celebrating yourself. And it’s past time to stop pretending you’re not wonderful, so you can finally, finally admit that you are wonderful! No matter how much you do or don’t do, you will transform in ways you could never imagine. Your willingness to take action will decide the pace of transformation. You’ll be co-creating with Mother every step of the way. Mother’s going to raise your vibration and refine your light body in such a way that what before felt impossible becomes absolutely possible. And She’ll do it all with the power of love – unconditional, glorious, radiant, serene, compassionate, unbreakable love.

Don’t believe for a moment that you have to take this course to receive any or all of those gifts. You don’t. But sometimes in our lives, we need a clear, well-marked path, with lots of support, to guide our steps and decisions. We can then navigate this life in ways that fill ourselves to overflowing with love and light. As a result, we get to experience the joy of serving others as we’ve so generously been served.

Mother has changed the focus this year in School of Love. Instead of each individual participant choosing their own challenge to transform, Mother will have everyone focus on transforming their self-worth.

No matter where you feel you are in relation to your self-worth, this course will support you in taking your next big steps into accepting, embracing, and radiating your Divine Self more deeply.

Here are just some of the wonders that She has included in School of Love this year:

  • Powerful, life-changing weekly live classes with Mother
  • Transformative weekly live yoga classes for all levels, designed to integrate Mother’s teaching from the day before 
  • Weekly circle of support gatherings that provide a safe space to give and receive support
  • Special guests that will share their soul gifts to support your transformation
  • Dynamic writing tools that will open the doors to your heart and soul
  • Opportunities to ask Mother your School of Love questions directly
  • A special social dialogue space to connect with other students inside the course (away from external online influence)
  • The opportunity to work one-on-one with Mother
  • Mother’s unconditional love and grace
  • And much, much more…

School of Love begins on Tuesday, February 8th, and ends May 17th, 2022. Every live class is recorded and posted the next day in the course, so you don’t have to attend live in order to get all the amazing benefits Mother has to offer you. Her energy is just as powerful whether you participate live or watch the video afterward.

Change can be difficult sometimes. Mother teaches that if you take your time and show up for yourself consistently, amazing things will happen in your life. The pace She sets is so you can have powerful consistency without feeling rushed or pushed. Since everything is recorded, you can take as long as you wish to move through the course. And since you have lifetime access, you can flow through the course as often as you want to create the level of change that feels gloriously expansive for you. 

If you feel ready to transform your self-worth with the power of love, then you’re ready for School of Love. Take the time and meditate with Mother in the video above to let your heart, soul, and mind decide if this is your year to join us.

I believe so strongly in the power of School of Love to transform your self-worth that I’m offering a 30-day money-back guarantee if you decide it’s not for you. Even though you jumped in, it may not be your year after all to be a part of this course. 

Mother and I look forward to serving you this year in School of Love. It’s our great joy to be a part of your Beloved Self-awakening.

Lots of love and hugs,

P.S. If you have any questions about School of Love, please email us at [email protected] for the fastest and most direct response. Thank you!


Celebration for School of Love


School of Love is a powerful and effective tool to help you move through any challenge, even the stubborn ones. Because of this course and Mother’s help, I was able to finally resolve my lifelong challenge. The happiness, peace, and freedom are wonderful! THANK YOU, Mother and Danielle!! Love and Gratitude.
~ Robbie H.

School of Love was rich in quality and quantity. Mother Mary’s deceptively simple suggestions guide one to make small shifts that are filled with love. Then, these small shifts seem to take on a life and depth of their own, bringing healing waters where love had yet to reach. What an extraordinary gift to be led by Mother’s wisdom, love, and grace. School of Love was a masterful class wrapped in simplicity, gentleness, and love.
~ Jewel C.

Never before have I had a more profound healing experience as I’ve had working with Mother Mary, Danielle Gibbons, and School of Love. Above all, I have truly learned just how supported and loved I am in the Universe. The Course contains such simple practices and suggestions that have made my life richer, fuller, and more joyful than I ever thought possible!  Thank you Mother Mary, thank you Danielle, and thank you School of Love!!
~ Melinda J.

I joined School of Love because of a need to connect with Mother (as Divine Feminine). The course exceeded my expectations, giving me such specific tools, and allowing me to set my own agenda. In the beginning, I said I did not even know what support looks like. By the end, I felt so supported and felt such joy in being able to be supportive. And Mother is the support behind the support. I feel so blessed.  
~ Carol H.

Mother’s School of Love is the best gift I have received this year and at this time of my life. I was ready to dive into my challenge and Mother helped me gain spiritual maturity on this journey. The love pages were sometimes challenging to my mind and to my personality, as they kept bringing me inside, where I needed to focus. What a sense of power and freedom I feel now that I know how to gather my energy and that I have defined my boundaries! I am expanding my consciousness day after day while still learning with Mother and I am able to be in touch with the flow of Love no matter what I’m going through. Deep gratitude to Mother, to Danielle, Maya, and the whole SOL community!
~ Christine B.

School of love was an unexpected experience for me. Although it was slow & gentle in its approach to transformation, it was surprisingly powerful & energy-intensive. True to her word, Mother Mary was there the whole way supporting insights, shifts & experiences to help me transform my challenge. This class was humbling to my impatient gung ho self that wanted to get it done & do it my way in that I learned the power of building a strong foundation one step at a time & the power of asking good questions & taking the time to answer them. The greatest gift I experienced was mustering the courage & will to face myself & get real. The support was very complete on many levels. It left me with skills & insights that I will use for life.
~ Kathleen K

The best investment I’ve ever made has been, ironically, in myself through School of Love!
~ Ken C.

School of Love is a wonderful course especially if you are an empath, highly sensitive, or psychic. If you’re willing to be willing to go deep within and to understand and love yourself more, with Mother as your guide, you will discover new parts of yourself. With the help of some wonderful tools and practices for self-care, you will transform long-held beliefs.
~ Alexandra K.

I found School of Love to be truly life-changing. I recommend this course whole-heartedly to anyone who wants to transform a personal challenge utilizing powerful tools, resources, and the power of love. It will radically change your relationship to your Self, guaranteed. Not only do I know myself more deeply, but my Self-care and Self-love have increased enormously. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
~ Jane B.

School of Love is truly an amazing, mind and eye-opening experience. Mother allows you into the darkest places of your soul and shines the light so brightly for profound healing. If you are even the least bit willing, Mother will show you EXACTLY where you are stuck, suffering, or just can’t break through and you will find a new level of happiness and well being even if you commit the minimal effort. Please do it for yourself and your ultimate happiness and freedom!
~ Paige M.

Participating in Mother’s School of Love course has given me greater opportunity to bask in Mother’s presence as well as gain insight and refine techniques helping me to continue to grow in my spiritual journey.  I love the ongoing support the course offers and the community that has been created. I’m very thankful for Danielle’s service in providing this avenue to know Mother.
~ Barbara B.


Enrollment for School of Love 2021 is now closed. Please email us if you have questions.

Course Information

Course Instructor

Danielle Gibbons Danielle Gibbons Author

I'm so excited to take this journey with you! ?? I've served as Mother Mary's full-body channel since 1994. I'm honored and deeply touched by your faith in our offering. If you're willing to follow Her guidance through this course you're going to fall in love with yourself more deeply than you ever imagined!